Tuesday, July 31, 2018

It's Not Goodbye

If you're wondering where I've been for the last month and half, I've been dealing with a few personal matters and slowly but surely working on the new site I promised you all. And it's finally here. It will be going live in August! Sadly this blog ends here, but there's a new chapter of Sit & Stay Awhile and it's finally happening next week with original content and many series that started here! This blog will remain active for you all if you ever need to look back or reference something. For all things new visit the new site. :) 

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Things I'm Into This Week

podcast I can't stop listening too even though I cry every single episode. 

Tales of a bando addict, also for the traveler.

Summer Goals.  

My dear Kate, this is how I will always remember you.

Between high school and college, I was totally a nerd for environmental science. And ever since, I've become very eco-conscious. The simplicity of this newsletter is the perfect way to start your day. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Lifestyle Changes

One of the biggest challenges I intend to work on over the summer is trying to work out a little more. I've never really a been a gym person, I prefer being outside and in the pool. With the intention of moving my body a little more, I'm also tackling my diet and weight. Not that I have a horrible diet, but carbs have become a staple in my daily eating habits and it's time to change that. Now that I'm entering my thirties, I'm trying to make my health more of a priority. After a solid week of researching and reading up on Ketosis, I'm cutting off carbs and sugar for eight weeks and focusing more healthy fats, proteins and veggies. Have you tried the Keto Diet? Would you consider it? What are some of your healthy habits, tips and tricks? I would love to hear your thoughts on how you balance work, food and exercise! 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Let's Be Classy

It's only been a few days but I'm still peeved by a particular scene from the documentary, Always at the Carlyle. Honestly, it's disheartening, Dwight Owsley who had been the head concierge for more thirty years retired in 2014 and his reason for leaving was a sad one. He spoke of Old New York. A time where dignity, class, modesty and kindness were very much apart of our culture. In the end, I couldn't help but think why are these ideals no longer apart of our society? I once received a rose and a letter from the maintenance staff at my apartment complex all because I smiled and said good morning to him. If common courtesies are no longer apart of our day to day life, then we have a serious problem! These are ten old but updated ways of being a classy and a decent person!   

 Strong and Confident Posture - Good posture shows respect to others. 

 Define Your Sense of Style - a black slack and white blouse go a long way. If you're not really sure what your style is stick to the basics, black, navy, grey and white. You will look sharp every time. I'm impartial to these minnie pants, they're a fitting pair of pants but they make you look great. Also don't skimp on grooming! There are so many women I know who don't even brush their hair. Brush your hair, put on makeup (if you don't like makeup, you can wash your face and apply a moisturizer), make sure our outfit matches and take a second glance at yourself before you leave the house!

 Read Every Day & Travel Often -  The best thing you can do in this life is to read every day, whether it's a chapter or an entire book and travel often. Whether its abroad or a town thirty minutes away! Dream, wander and discover. 

 Remember Kindness is Free (Now this is one I just don't get!) You never know what other people are going through. Whether they are having a good day or a horrible one even a simple smile to a stranger can go a long way. We need more kind and generous people in the world, stop being selfish and rude.

 Treat others as equals, regardless of status, social class or personality type! 

 A Strong Voice - It is your right as a human being to speak up, use your voice and stand up for what you believe in. And if you like to swear - keep that at home, not in public! 

7. A Firm Handshake -  When introducing yourself, let the other person know you're interested in them. A firm handshake means your open to a new experience and that you are excited for a new relationship. It says a lot about your personality.

 Be Polite - This goes hand in hand with kindness and treating others with respect but don't forget your manners. Say "please," "thank you," "have a good day" and "your welcome." And always look people in the eye when you're talking to them.

 Collaboration over Competition -  If you want to be scientific with this one then yes sex and biology is apart of the conversation. But let's talk behavior and psychology. We just do better as a society and global community when we collaborate. Why do we need to compete? Yes it makes us stronger and better but I'd rather have a happy and healthy society, wouldn't you?!   

 Be An Active Listener - (This one is extra important) Listen, listen, listen! I've been talked over my entire life and because of that so many people called me shy when I was younger. The "shy" label definitely bothered me, but instead of dwelling on it I grew to become a listener. And now that we live in society where even listening to people seems to be a problem, I embrace this quality. So many people tell me I should have been a therapist (and therefore a lot of people trust me and what I have to say), it's not that I should be a therapist, more people need to be attentive listeners. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


I finally ordered this summery dress after months of it just sitting in the cart. 

I've been wearing these shoes for four years and I still love them!

A podcast I can't stop listening too even though I cry every single episode. 

This ballerina

I have been waiting for this book forever, finally it came in! 

The cutest bed sheets I can't wait to put on my bed tonight. 

The cheese I use on everything from sandwiches to cheese plates. 

My favorite hole in the wall Italian restaurant

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Always at The Carlyle

A few months ago one of the New Yorker bloggers I follow on social media was raving about a documentary about The Carlyle hotel in Manhattan. It seemed like it was only getting a limited release so I was saddened I would have to wait until it was available as a dvd. So when my mom called a week ago saying it was playing in Palm Springs, I jumped at her invitation to see it. With all it's elegance, class and history, I was most fascinated with the architectural design, art and most especially the staff's stories. Looking up Dwight Owsley right now, you should do the same!  


Monday, June 11, 2018

Quote of the Day

"If a girl looks swell when she meets you, who gives a damn if shes late? Nobody."
-Holden Caufield 


It's Not Goodbye

If you're wondering where I've been for the last month and half, I've been dealing with a few personal matters and slowly but...