Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Everything's Quiet When It Snows...

My first two years being on my own at college, having it snow was like a big treat for me. It wasn't like I had never seen it, but the first heavy snowfall my freshman year, a friend down the hall had called me at three in the morning and told me to meet her in front of the dorm in the quad. By the time I had made it downstairs and outside she had already been working on making the base of the snowman. She smiled at me and said "didn't you say you have always wanted to make a snowman". By my sophomore year, it had become tradition. The first snowfall I'd make a snowman, go "sledding" on the cafeteria trays and curl up with a blanket and tea to watch the Gilmore Girls. The years following that, this became a tradition my sister and I shared once she came to Saint Mary's and we lived together. 

A few days ago my sister who is now a senior in college text me saying it had snowed and was waiting for me to curl up to Gilmore Girls with her. I immediately responded that I actually missed Indiana. Nothing beats walking through the snow on a blissful quiet evening on a college campus as beautiful as Saint Mary's College in South Bend, Indiana. Taking a break from studying and going outside all bundled up in leggings, legwarmers, uggs and jackets and watching the snowflakes dance across the sky so daintily and freely, it was like witnessing a miracle, it was that spectacular for me. Do any of you love the snow as much as I do?!
(Images via Pintereset)


  1. What a lovely post...I got goosebumps reading it! My soon to be brother-in-law lives in South Bend...we visited them about 2 years ago at Christmas time...I think I nearly froze to death...I kid you not...I wore 3 pairs of socks everyday...but tromping around Notre Dame in the snow...completely worth it!

    ♥ Shia

  2. i love your blog. Great vibe.
    would love it if youd check out mine as it features my recently launched scarf line 'Charlotte&Lisa"


  3. I adore the snow. Nothing is cozier in my mind.


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