Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Mornings...

This week really went by in a flash, I can't believe it's already the weekend, it seems as if Monday was only yesterday! Well I guess that's what happens when you're loving life, time goes by in a blink of an eye doesn't it? I'm getting pumped to spend this father's day weekend wishing wonderful wishes my brother's way in North Carolina (his birthday is saturday, he turns the big 3-0!) and enjoying the weekend with my rents' in San Marino for the weekend. I'm more than excited that summer is practically here, all I can think about is waking up and wanting to jump into the water. I only wish I could call this little beachy room my own, I'd wake up in bliss every morning if that were my bed next to those big windows! 

(image via poppytalk

1 comment:

  1. Yes, wouldn't that be nice to have a place right on the ocean? That would be my husband's dream.


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