Sunday, June 10, 2012

Lemonade for Sale (Summer Series Start Up)

I have literally been bursting at the seams about how excited I am to share what I think to be a fun, easy and inexpensive way to have the best summer this year. A few months ago I was thinking to myself, I've got to find ways to beat the heat here in Palm Springs without spending a fortune vacationing at the beach every weekend (which is of course what I want to be doing, but let's be a little realistic right?!). For those of you out there who don't know much about the Palm Springs area, it reaches up to about 120 degrees in the summer time!!!!! It is torture and beyond miserable, I don't know how people are not crazy by the end of the summer here. However, I have compiled a short and simple list of things to keep my mind off the temperature and out of the heat without having to spend much money.

So for kicking off my little summer series I thought I'd start with sharing a few of my favorite lemonade recipes, because there's nothing more summer than drinking an ice cold glass of fresh squeezed lemonade (or buying it from a couple of cute little girls)! Since I grew up not drinking soda I pretty much stuck to cold teas, lemonade and water. Having limited drinking sources, I've grown to know what good lemonade tastes like and nothing is better than fresh squeezed lemonade so click here and start your summer off right?! Happy Monday everyone!!!

(image via pinterest)


  1. sounds delicous! I must try it although I'm certain I won't be trying to escape any heat in Scotland :(
    (maybe I could turn the heating up!)

    ♥ ThankFifi

    1. I wish I were in Scotland than here right now!!!!


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