Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Grammarist

Since I have been posting quotations every Monday for the last three or four years, I would like to keep Monday (an inspiration day?!) designated to all things English Grammar and English Lit related. So to change it up a bit and because I think I'll learn a few things along the way, let's turn our attention to English Grammar. I'll be honest, my grammar is the worst. So today is our first lesson :)
I first heard the phrase "In the doldrums..." in the fifth grade in my first attempt to read The Phantom Tollbooth. I do not remember why I never finished it but I do remember learning about the doldrum characters in the story. Now I'm pretty sure everyone knows what this phrase means, right?! If not, here you go. I'll include the definition and origin for you. Have a great Monday!!! 

In the doldrums is a phrase that means dispirited, feeling listless or mildly depressed. In the doldrums has a maritime origin, the Doldrums is an area in the ocean that is situated north of the equator and between two belts of trade winds. The trade winds meet in the Doldrums and neutralize each other, leaving the area windless. A sailing ship may be stranded in the Doldrums for a long period of time, running out of supplies and patience, waiting for a wind to blow it further on its journey. The term has been appropriated into common language to mean listless, languishing in depression. Doldrum comes from the Old English word dol, meaning foolish, dull.
(definition and origin thanks to grammarist, image via uppercase)

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