Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday Morning

Hiya readers, how have you been? Is it just me or did this month fly by? I can't believe it is nearly the end of October and I don't even have a costume for next weekend!!! At least I've carved a few pumpkins and my house looks moderately festive. I have a few options for a costume but I still need to put it all together so I have something to wear to work on the actual holiday. I'm glad its the weekend for two major reasons, a. Halloween is only a week away and b. the podcast festival is next weekend!!! Also, this bedroom - life goals, right?! Until then I'll wish you a wonderful weekend full of festivities and treats. Oh yea, one of my favorite families came in and baked me a whole batch of pumpkin spice chocolate chip muffins, they are delicious!!! 


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