Thursday, December 28, 2017

A New Year

There once was a girl sitting at her desk with a blank document opened on her computer. Her eyes would venture from the blank screen to the window and out into the moonlit night, staring up at a lit up cross a top a hiking trial. She was ambitious, she was creative and she was fiddling with the chain of her necklace on the verge of tears wondering if she would ever amount to anything. After a few hours of Fran Fine's fashion choices in The Nanny, her third glass of wine, a christmas cookie and contemplating whether or not she should send an email, she hit submit and waited. 

A day (or two) later, she got a response and quickly got to work. That eventually led to the founding of the Palm Springs chapter of Silent Book Club,The Librarians Suggest and other projects. The following year would be the year of YES. And while YES can be the beginning of wonderful things ahead, you have to sacrifice a lot.  Self care becomes less a priority and relationships can become rocky. It was also the year of  testing - testing boundaries, testing strength and testing yourself. It was a good year but a hard one too, every moment was monumental. The girl's strength wavered and exhaustion took over quickly.  Many evenings were filled with creating new content, meetings, editing, reading through sixty books for book clubs, work and personal growth, planning out and starting a podcast, collaborations, more editing, and working overtime. Blending your profession, your side hustle and your personal life is not exactly a good thing, but when your passionate you can't help it.

To many sleepless (and restless) nights and all the projects that made it (but were also very successful throughout the year) to the end of 2017, I'm the happiest person in the world. Well, besides the whole sleep depravity thing.  Here's to another year of yes but taking better care of myself, implementing morning/evening routines and continuing my intention of pursuing inner strength. To new things ahead, let's celebrate the fact that 2018 will be a great year!

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