Monday, June 25, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up...

friday nights with girlfriends and tasty drinks. 
 mermaid blue toes with a side of rhinestones. 
 enjoying a light summer reading. 
spending half the day perusing and picking flowers. 
 finding fun little garden accessories. 
summer is about falling in love with your sweet
white chucks. 
kate spade phone cover that i just have to get. 
the beginning of summer starts with cool sunnies, 
sporting bright red lipstick, cherry flavored lollipops, 
fun and colorful bracelets and spontaneous roadtrips. 

(images via instagram) 


  1. Looooove the blue toes. Perfect for summer. Obsessed. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec I'd love to hear your thoughts on my interview for College Lifestyles magazine. xo


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